April 8, 2004 ~ My First REAL Ride on Doc Tari Zebra!

 Our handsome boy really stood out--what a beauty! Today was his first REAL ride. We saddled him with Gail's saddle (she is our awesome trainer...need an incredible and gifted trainer? Call Gail Ivey! AWESOME!). Our saddle for Doc is due to arrive any day now, but we didn't want to wait. All tacked up, I led him to the arena with his friend Breezy (my husband rode Breezy). I mounted him and had a very interesting ride! LOL! His walk feels a bit different than any walk I have experienced before. Maybe because he is so big. Maybe because he was thinking of bucking or crow hopping? I don't know. Maybe because of all that time keeping his weight on the forehand (his front feet!) But doesn't he look super? LOL!

 You can sure see that Doc was alert and looking around at EVERYTHING but his rider! Egads! There is SO much to see after being cooped up at home for so long! We have a lot of work to do! I am grinning ear to ear.I have waited a LONG time for this moment!

 I love this man! He is the one that was willing to encourage us to take the course we did almost a full year ago! I think Doc knows that Bob is his great "Benefactor!" LOL!

 Doc definitely responded BEST to having Breezy, his buddy, nearby. However, Breezy likes to lead. Apparenly, so does DOC! LOL! They kept jockeying for who would be the front runner around the arena rail!

 Well, here we are! We have been eager for this moment forever! It has been almost a FULL year! Hard to believe on the one hand. On the other, it seems like an eternity. Thank you to those of you who have prayed for us and continue to. We aren't out of the woods yet. Doc did voice his opinion of things in a way that I hope to have Gail help me to sort out. I love him dearly and am thrilled to have this time with him. I never thought we would see the day...oh ME of little faith! THANK YOU EVERYONE!

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