"Something is Wrong with Doc..."
April 27, 2003
Doc arrived from Arizona with Breezy and Dodger. Doc was under-weight and seemed very uncomfortable.
May 7, 2003
I had the farrier come out to trim all the horses' feet. I had Doc's shoes pulled off his feet-no new ones put on. I began to notice Doc was "tender footed."
Wondered if it was just because of shoes coming off or if there was more to it.
May 9, 2003
Had an overdue vet check for all the horses. I should have done that before we ever bought them.
I also had the vet do a lameness exam, but she didn't do a flexion test which I now know is standard for
checking for lameness in the back legs.
She prescribed "bute"--assuming that he was sore because his shoes were off. I am supposed to call
her in 10 days if Doc isn't better.
May 12, 2003
Called out a trusted friend and horse mentor, CK. She noticed some things that the vet missed.
Inflammation and other things. I made an appointment to take Doc in to Loomis Basin Vet Clinic for a real equine vet appointment.
May 14, 2003
I wrote the following in an email to some friends:
At 8pm I drove off the 10 minutes that it takes to get to where the horses currently live.
Doc is so incredible. My goodness. He reminded me of our first meeting in Arizona in April.
I think the bute I had been able to finally give him (brown sugar works wonders!)
had kicked in and he wasn't hurting quite as much.
I spent time just rubbing him and giving him apples. He lowered his mammoth head and
licked and chewed as happy as could be. At one point I noticed that he was trying to reach
something on his side near the back left leg...I ventured over to his left
haunch and tentatively scratched...just in case it was nothing more than a fly bite that now itched.
Oh my!!!! I found his spot! I giggled and cried all at once as I scratched the spot.
He stretched out his massive body and craned his neck forward with the most contented look on him.
I wondered if he was going to fall over! LOL! I was thrilled to help him forget his pain,
even if only for a minute. I wasn't sure he wasn't going to turn to groom ME with his teeth in turn.
LOL! When I stopped for a bit to go over to see Dodger, Doc followed me, albeit slowly.
He then ran Dodger off with a look (ears pinned back and head tossed Dodger's direction) and nuzzled
up closer to me. (It is hard not to appreciate what this was communicating, even though it isn't
the best practice in the field, of course...) He did the same to Breezy. I DO believe he likes me! I sure hope so...
Hard to imagine the road ahead...
Anyhow, just wanted to share that with you. By the time I left (it was dark), I was a mess of tears of joy and fear...
I love him so much. He is so incredibly special. He just is. He doesn't pick up on Breezy's
bad habits...but really is his own horse. And who he is is entirely perfectly wonderful.
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